Los Angeles Trucking Accidents Lawyer

Trucking Accidents

If You’ve Been Injured in a Truck Accident, Here’s What You Need to Know

Given their size and power, truck collisions can pose a serious risk to other vehicles and pedestrians. In an area such as Los Angeles — where traffic density is extremely high — this risk is greatly amplified.

It’s estimated that trucking accidents injure roughly 500,000 Americans each year, and kill another 5,000. The majority of these fatalities involved tractor trailers, some of the largest and most dangerous vehicles on the road.

With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at the specific risks associated with truck collisions and the steps you need to take if you’re in an accident.

Why Truck Accidents Can Be Especially Dangerous

There are two primary reasons why collisions involving trucks tend to be deadlier: Weight and stopping time. The average tractor trailer weighs up to 15x more than the average car; the force and impact created by such heavy vehicles can cause devastating damage. Additionally, because of their size and design, trucks cannot stop nearly as quickly as smaller vehicles. The average tractor trailer needs nearly twice as many feet to stop once brakes are applied compared to the average car.

Other factors that often influence truck accidents include:

  • Exhausted drivers. While the trucking industry has implemented limits on how long drivers can go without breaks or sleep, this issue remains a key contributing factor to accidents.
  • Distracted driving. Like regular motorists, truckers sometimes allow themselves to be distracted and take their eyes off the road.
  • Tire or brake problems. These issues can be far more serious when large trucks are involved, given their slow stopping speed and enormous power.

What To Do if You’re Involved in a Truck Accident

If you’re unfortunate enough to be involved in a truck collision, it’s vitally important that you take the right steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. That begins with knowing what to do while you’re on the scene.

If anyone is in need or medical assistance, contact first responders at once. Next, you’ll need to write down the details of the accident: Where it occurred, how it happened, road conditions etc. Consider taking video and photos of any damage and of the accident scene itself. Additionally, you should speak to any witnesses and ask them to provide contact details. All of this can be critical later if litigation is necessary.

If you’ve been injured in the truck accident, document those injuries along with any lost wages, transportation expenses or other financial losses you’ve incurred. If your injuries are significant, it’s advisable to speak with an attorney who specializes in trucking accidents. Insurance companies employ expert negotiators and claims personnel who have one goal: To minimize payouts to people affected by accidents. Hiring an experienced attorney can level the playing field and help ensure that you are treated fairly.

Finding the Right Truck Accident Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a trucking accident it is crucial to hire an experienced attorney with the knowledge and skill to obtain maximum compensation. Craig Charles Law has a long track record of fighting on behalf of clients injured in commericial trucking accidents, thus ensuring the best possible outcome for you.

Craig Charles Law has offices located in West Hollywood, El Segundo and San Diego to serve the needs of clients throughout Southern California. We are a gay friendly, LGBTQIA affirming law practice. Call Craig Charles Law today for a free, no obligation consult at 424-343-0660

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